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Showing posts with label microsoft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label microsoft. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

What it was like to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10

Windows 10 is spying on almost everything you do – here’s how to opt out

Windows 10 is spying on almost everything you do – here’s how to opt out 

But there’s something you should know: As you read this article from your newly upgraded PC, Windows 10 is also spying on nearly everything you do.

Windows 10 defaults to keylogging, harvesting browser history, purchases, and covert listening

Windows 10 defaults to keylogging, harvesting browser history, purchases, and covert listening

By default, Microsoft gets to see your location, keystrokes and browser history -- and listen to your microphone, and some of that stuff is shared with "trusted [by Microsoft, not by you] partners."
You can turn this all off, of course, by digging through screen after screen of "privacy" dashboards, navigating the welter of tickboxes that serve the same purposes as all those clean, ration-seeming lines on the craps table: to complexify the proposition so you can't figure out if the odds are in your favor.

How to upgrade to Windows 10 without waiting in line

How to upgrade to Windows 10 without waiting in line

For more Details Click here

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Windows 8 Unveiled! - Hot off the Press!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Microsoft Security Essential Utilities

I recommend:

Microsoft Security Essential Utilities

Microsoft Security Essentials provides real-time protection to identify and eliminate harmful viruses and other malware from your PC

Friday, March 28, 2008

Safari 3.1 for Windows ROCKS!

"PC Magazine says Safari 3.1 for Windows gets “the job done elegantly and swiftly”
In awarding Safari 3.1 for Windows a four (out of five) star rating, Michael Muchmore ( indicates that in addition to being able to resize its window from any edge, “a slew of new improvements, some unique features, impressive speed, and future-looking standards support makes it a worthy browsing partner.” It gets flying colors for complience with HTML and CSS standards, kudos for color accuracy, raves for speed and memory tests, and a thumbs up for stability: “in a couple of days’ use of the new browser, I wasn’t able to crash it once” in Windows XP SP2, Vista, or Mac OS X Leopard.

March 21, 2008"